Question: My reading list is a balance between both student-selected and teacher-selected literature ( My reading list utilizes both print and digital texts while representing a wide range of both cla... My reading list represents a wide range of genres. (drama, romance, satire, tragedy, comedy, ... The authors in my reading list represent the diversity of real-life communities. (age, gender... The topics, themes, and issues in my reading list are relative to my students' lives and refl... My reading list features works written in English as well as translations of works from other lan... The authors' styles of writing in my reading list embrace both vernacular and formal language... The way in which students engage my reading list does not create a separation of power between th... My students will be able to analyze works from my reading list with a wide range of literary theo... My students will be able to respond to my reading list with challenging tasks, purposes that make... My reading list allows students to apply their own cultural and community knowledge (Luke, Woods,... I can use my reading list as a source for teaching skills outlined in the Common Core State Stand... Graph Type: Bar Graph Line Graph Pie Chart 2D Pie Chart 3D Bar Graph Horizontal
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