include("../../classes/API.php"); ?> include("../../includes/"); ?>
Links to free sample survey templates that measure customer satisfaction. Examples of pre-built assessment questionnaires which measure customer satisfaction that you can customize and put on the web.
SurveyShare posts free web survey resources like this questionnaire to the Internet in hopes that we can help you with your survey project, regardless if you use our web survey software, or are conducting a paper survey. We hope that you benefit from these questions and ideas that measure technical support customer satisfaction.
Disclaimer: Templates include suggested questions on a given topic. The survey templates have not been tested for validity and reliability. They are presented as survey design samples only. The questions are provided as possible examples of the type of questions you might want to include.
$survey = API::fetch_instance("Survey", 366); $survey->render("html"); ?>Store Evaluation Survey Template
Here is a summary list of the key new features provided by SurveyShare 2.0: