Demographic Information (please only include information which you feel comfortable in providing.)
1) What is your occupation? (Please select your primary job function)
Associate Instructor/Graduate Student Instructor
Part-Time Instructor
Lecturer or Instructor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Academic staff
Instructional support
Technical support
2) What type of higher education organization do you work at?
Community college or vocational institute
Private 4 year college
Public 4 year college
Private comprehensive institution
Public comprehensive institution
Online college or university
3) Please indicate your gender.
4) In what department(s) or unit(s) are you employed?
5) Where are you located (e.g., city, state/province, and country)?
6) What is the name of your college, university, or organization? Remember, please only include information that you feel comfortable in providing.
7) How much experience do you have in integrating technology tools, activities, or resources into your live (i.e., face-to-face) teaching?
8) How much experience do you have in teaching courses with some online or Web components (i.e., blended learning)?
9) How much experience do you have in teaching fully online courses? (Note: such courses might include face-to-face orientation sessions, student meetings, and proctored exams.)
10) Have you taught as a freelance online instructor for another organization or institution in the past (either for blended or fully online courses)?
Current State of Online Learning
11) Does your college, university, or organization currently offer any fully online courses? (Note: such courses might include face-to-face orientation sessions, student meetings, and proctored exams.)
Yes (if yes, go to question/item 11)
No (if no, go to question/item 12)
12) Is training required of instructors who teach fully online courses in your college, university, or organization?
13) How much influence do you have on the future plans and directions for online learning within your college, university, or organization?
14) If your college, university, or organization presently delivers any of its learning online, which of the following technologies do you (or your instructors) use? (check all that apply)
Asynchronous Discussion Forums (e.g., WebBoard, WebCrossing)
Online Courseware or Course Management Systems (e.g., Blackboard, WebCT)
Electronic Whiteboards
Instant Messaging and Synchronous Chat Tools
Learning Object Libraries
Online Gradebooks
Online Testing and Examination Tools
Synchronous Presentation Tools (e.g., Centra, Horizon Live, NetMeeting, Placeware, WebEx)
Videostreaming (e.g., lectures, content, experts, etc.)
Web-Based Videoconferencing
Weblogs and Online Diaries
15) Is your college, university, or organization entrepreneurial in forming partnerships or consortia with other organizations to offer new courses, degrees, programs, or credentials?
Don't know
16) Please check 4 key factors from the list below that are keeping your college, university, or organization from starting or expanding online learning programs. (Please select no more than 4)
Administrative and institutional issues (e.g., allocations of financial aid, course credit)
Concerns about plagiarism
Concerns about course quality
Concerns about faculty workload
Inability to obtain state authorization
Lack of access to library or other resources for instructional support
Lack of faculty rewards or incentives
Lack of fit with institution's mission
Lack of perceived need (e.g., limited student market)
Lack of support from institution administrators
Legal concerns (e.g., intellectual property rights, copyright laws)
Limited technological infrastructure
Program development costs
Restrictive federal, state, or local policies (e.g., financial aid eligibility)
17) What types of degrees, programs, or credentials does your college, university, or organization currently offer through online learning (either in partnership with other organizations or by itself)? (Check all that apply)
Associate degrees
Undergraduate degrees
Master's degrees (other than MBA)
Executive education and MBA programs
Doctoral degrees
Future Projections of Online Learning (please make your best guesses regarding the future of online learning)
18) Predict what type(s) of new degrees, programs, or credentials your college, university, or organization will offer through online learning during the next few years (either in partnership with other organizations or by itself). (Check all that apply)
Associate degrees
Undergraduate degrees
Master's degrees (other than MBA)
Executive education and MBA programs
Doctoral degrees
19) During the next few years, which of the following factors will most significantly affect the success of the online programs offered by your institution?
Joining a consortium
Improvements in online technologies
Monetary support
Pedagogical competency of online instructors
Rigorous quality management in the accreditation process
Technical competency of online instructors
20) If you wanted to obtain a book, technical report, or whitepaper related to online teaching and learning in higher education during the next year, which topic or content area would you be most interested in?
21) How will the advancements in Internet technology (e.g., greatly extended bandwidth, wireless Internet connections, etc.) affect online teaching and learning during the next 5-10 years? (Pick One)
More international collaboration
More networking with field experts
More use of interactive simulations or games for learning
More use of multimedia presentations (e.g., sound, pictures, video, etc.)
More use of 2-way video conferencing
22) During the next few years, which of the following uses of online instruction will grow the most in your college, university, or organization?
Online activity or instruction as a supplement to face-to-face classes
Online course as an alternative to face-to-face course(s) (students choose one or the other)
Online course as the only option (there are no face-to-face course options or meetings)
Online instruction is alternated with face-to-face class meetings (some weeks are online, some face-to-face)
None of the above: We do not plan to utilize online instruction
23) What percentage of student learning in your college, university, or organization is blended (i.e., courses that have online as well as face-to-face or conventional classroom components) today and how might this change in 3 years and in a decade?
Percent blended learning today (2003)
Percent blended learning in 3 years (2006)
Percent blended learning in 10 years (2013)
24) What percentage of student learning in your college, university, or organization is fully online (Note: this may include face-to-face orientation sessions, student meetings, and proctored testing) today and how might this change in 3 years and in a decade?
Percent fully online this year (2003)
Percent fully online in 3 years (2006)
Percent fully online in a decade (2013)
25) In the year 2010, the typical online instructor will have:
Little or no training to teach online.
Extensive internal training within your organization or institution to teach online possibly leading to a certificate.
Extensive external training to teach online possibly leading to a certificate.
Specific teaching degrees to teach online.
26) Please check 4 of the following instructional approaches or strategies that will become more widely used in online higher education environments during the coming decade. (Please select no more than 4)
Case-based strategies
Coaching or mentoring
Exploration or discovery
Group problem solving and collaborative tasks
Guided learning
Lecturing or teacher-directed activities
Modeling of the solution process
Problem-based learning
Simulations or role play
Socratic questioning
Student-generated content
27) In terms of online learning tools, resources, and activities in higher education, where will the most significant pedagogical improvements occur during the coming decade?
Online collaboration and virtual teaming
Creative thinking and idea generation
Critical thinking and idea evaluation
Student motivation and engagement
28) What learning style(s) do online learning courses typically address today and what style might they most often address both 3 years and 10 years from now?
Style addressed today (2003)
Style addressed in 3 years (2006)
Style addressed in 10 years (2013)
29) Rate the potential use of the following five forms of evaluation and assessment within your college, university, or organization during the next few years.
30) In addition to student assessment and course evaluation, how important will online surveys be to your institution or organization during the next few years (e.g., in student research or as a teaching tool)?
31) During the next few years, which of the following methods will be the most common way in which to administer tests to online students in your college, university, or organization?
Tests administered at designated campus sites (i.e., students must drive to campus)
Tests administered or proctored off campus
Tests handled through email
Tests handled through postal mail
Tests taken using online tools or resources
Tests handled by a third party vendor or company
32) Which of the following should be developed to help improve online student success? (Pick one)
Additional technology training
Better course management systems to track students' learning
Better evaluation of student academic achievement in their online courses
Better measures of student online learning readiness
Better orientation sessions and tutorials for online courses
Training that helps students self-regulate their learning
33) What activities, tools, and resources will most influence course Web sites in the next few years?
Embedded educational games and edutainment
Engaging and interactive simulations
Global courses and international collaboration
Online explorations and discovery activities
Online mentoring and expert support
Self-assessment activities and tools
Use of reusable learning objects
34) Which online learning technology will most dramatically increase in use during the next few years?
35) How does online learning compare to traditional (face-to-face) instruction in terms of course quality and student outcomes today and how might this change 3 years from now and a decade from now?
Online learning today (2003)
Online learning in 3 years (2006)
Online learning in 10 years (2013)
36) Which one of the following technologies will most greatly impact the delivery of online learning in your college, university, or organization during the next five years?
37) Which of the following skills will be vital for higher education instructors in 2010? (check all that apply)
Online Course Developer
Online Facilitator/Moderator
Online Instructor/Lecturer
Online Program Coordinator and Developer
Online Student Counselor/Advisor
Online Subject Matter Expert
Online Technology Trainer
38) Do you anticipate teaching as a freelance online instructor for another organization or institution by the end of the decade (either for blended or fully online courses)?
39) How will the quality of online learning be most effectively measured during the coming decade?
Calculations of return on investment (ROI)
Comparison of student achievement with those in live or face-to-face classroom settings
Computer log data of student usage and activity
Course completion rates
Course interactivity ratings and evaluations
Student course evaluations
Student performance in simulated tasks of real-world activities
Student satisfaction questionnaires
Student placement into jobs
40) In the year 2010, what overall statement might be said about the cost of online learning courses compared to the cost of online learning courses in 2003? Make your best guess.
41) Please describe an online instructional technique or emerging technology that may become popular in the next few years (Please include relevant URL(s) or Web site(s), if possible).
Final Comments and Requests for Final Report
42) Feel free to list additional comments related to any of the items in this survey, especially regarding the future of online learning. Actual online learning stories and future online learning predictions are welcome.
43) If you would like to receive a free electronic copy of this survey report, please provide your email address in the space below. Note that ten randomly drawn email addresses will receive free one year Pro memberships in SurveyShare. All others will be given a free Pro membership for 60 days to use as they wish. Providing a name for such accounts is helpful but not required.